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What Is Best Temperature For Mac Cheese

by sumpconnaphsubdabe 2021. 1. 13.

Posted by4 years ago
Best temperature to bake chicken

Mar 08, 2012  Make dinner easy with Tara McConnell’s Baked Macaroni and Cheese plus Temp-Tations Ovenware. This past week, I was asked to purchase the Temp-Tations Ovenware and try using it to prepare a recipe. Mac backup software free. This ovenware is actually found.


I'm going to a potluck tomorrow and I was assigned macaroni and cheese and fruit salad. No biggy, except I'm not sure how to handle the heating issue. My office doesn't have an oven or stove, just microwaves. I have to be in a meeting that lasts from 10-noon, then the lunch is from noon to one. I know mac and cheese can get mushy when you reheat it. I have a crock pot that I can use to keep it warm or reheat it, but I have no idea A) if you can let mac and cheese sit on the 'warm' or the 'low' setting for 2 hours without destroying it or B) use it to reheat mac & cheese if I choose to make it tonight instead of early tomorrow morning. I don't care if I make it tonight or in the morning, I'd just like it to be really good. Any advice would be much appreciated!

World's Best Mac And Cheese

UPDATE: So It went well! Thanks for all the great advice in this thread! I ended up using Alton Brown's stove top recipe mentioned in the thread, but tweaked it a little by adding a couple of ounces of buttermilk and some different seasoning (nutmeg, smoked paprika, ground tellicherry peppercorns). I cooked it, put it in the crock pot, transported it, and let it sit on low/warm for the two hours until the lunch (added just a little half and half to keep it from drying out). While it turned out a little thicker than I personally prefer, I will say it was absolutely delicious, and everyone loved it (I made a lot and there was about one serving left by the end of lunch). So thanks to everyone who helped me with advice!

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What Is Best Temperature For Macaroni Cheese